Video Recordings: Fish Health Section Webinar 3 "Fish Vaccination: Theory, Innovations and Application"

The Fish Health Section (FHS) of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) has organized the third webinar series on the path to the 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA11).  This webinar focused on vaccination in aquaculture, and was held virtually on 4 August 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand.  It was attended by 509 participants from 32 countries and territories around the world. 

Over the past three decades, the world aquaculture industry has been swept by a number of devastating aquatic animal diseases which have caused massive economic and social losses. These include those caused mostly by viruses and bacteria, with AHPND, TiLV and DIV 1 as the most recent diseases.  Prophylactic treatments and good management practices can usually prevent or reduce the susceptibility of cultured aquatic animals to these diseases. Although, the use of antibiotics can overcome some bacterial diseases, consumer health, food safety issues and currently development of AMR, usually prevent their usage in the aquaculture sector. Moreover, established viral diseases cannot be treated with these antibiotics and other drugs.  Therefore, vaccination is the best alternative to combat bacterial and viral diseases. It has been a key tool in the success of the livestock (pig, poultry) and salmon industries in the fight against infectious diseases.

Vaccines are various preparations of antigens derived from specific pathogenic organisms that are rendered non-pathogenic. They stimulate the immune system and increase the resistance to disease from subsequent infection by the specific pathogen. Similarly, vaccination is a preventive measure that protects fish against a future disease and the associated costs due to morbidity, mortality and therapeutic treatment.

To talk and discuss the theory, current innovations and field application of vaccines in aquaculture, the FHS has invited world-renowned experts on fish vaccinology.  Video recordings and pdf copy of the presentations can be accessed by clicking the links below:

  • Opening Session
  • "Tilapia lake virus: Understanding the host immunity and challenges for vaccine development" by Assoc. Prof. Win Surachetpong of Kasetsart University, Thailand. Dr. Surachetpong is an Associate Professor at Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand. His current research emphasizes on emerging viral diseases in tilapia including Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) and Tilapia Parvovirus (TiPV) in the area of epidemiology, diagnostic methods, host-pathogen interaction, risk factor analysis of the disease, biosecurity and vaccine development..
  • "Fish vaccine: from development to field applications" by Dr. Roberto Cascioneof VIRBAC, SEAsia and Middle East. Dr. Cascione is currently the Key Account Manager for Tilapia Vaccine Development and Veterinary consultancy for VIRBAC, a veterinary pharmaceutical company.  He is a passionate fish veterinarian with roots in the Mediterranean Sea.  He has worked on both temperate and tropical aquaculture heath management from Africa to Europe and currently in Asia. He gives assistance and shares his veterinary expertise/ideas for the benefit of the company and the success of a project. Currently, he is working on vaccine development also for tilapia.
  • Closing Session

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