Video Recordings: Fish Health Section Webinar 2 "Pathogen Free: Non-infectious Diseases and Disorders of Aquatic Animals"
The Fish Health Section (FHS) of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) has organized the second webinar series on the path to the 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA11). This webinar focuses mainly on non-infectious diseases of aquatic animals, and held virtually on 21 April 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand.It was attended by 233 participants from at least 20 countries and territories around the world.Aquatic animal diseases are often linked to the nasty microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites) as the main culprit. However, in aquatic animal health management, in general, this is not always true. Even if conditions are being maintained during the culture operations, cultured aquatic animals can still get sick or even die with the absence of any major pathogens.Sudden change in environmental conditions, improper nutrition, or the presence of toxins (e.g. from plankton blooms) can cause diseases, disorders and even mortalities in both cultured and wild aquatic animals.
With this in mind, the FHS has invited world-renowned experts to talk on important topics related to non-infectious diseases and disorders of aquatic animals.Video recordings and pdf copy of the presentations can be accessed by clicking the links below:
- Opening Session
- "Stress-related Non-infectious Disorders in Fish" by George Iwama of Quest University, Canada. Prof. Iwana is currently the President and Vice-Chancellor of Quest University.Prof. Iwama received his Ph.D. in Zoology from University of British Columbia (UBC) with specialization on fish physiology. After postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Texas and Dalhousie University, he returned to UBC, where he led a significant research program as a tenured full professor, in the areas of health and stress.
- "Nutritional Diseases of Aquatic Animals" by Orapint Jintasataporn of Kasetsart University, Thailand. Prof. Orapint is an Associate Professor and teaches courses on aquatic animal nutrition and feed technology at the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries at Kasetsart University, Thailand. She has 20 years experience in aquaculture research and development, with a specialty focus on fish and shrimp nutrition; raw materials; functional feeds (immune stimulant, additive for value added products); aquafeed processing; aquaculture system and pond management. She has authored and co-authored several scientific publications in national and international journals, relating to the nutrition of aquatic animals including poultry and swine. PDF
- "Harmful Algal Blooms and Fish Kills" by Lim Po Teen of University of Malaya, Malaysia. Prof. Lim is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Ocean and Earth Science and is the leading HAB researcher from Malaysia. He is actively involved in HAB program at regional and global levels, serving as the co-chair of IOC WESTPAC HAB program, IOC SCOR GlobalHAB program steering committee members, Task team of Fish Killing Algae In Intergovenmental Panel of Harmful Algal Blooms (IOC IPHAB), and Vice President of International Society for the study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA). He is also the subject editor of journal Harmful Algae. PDF
- "Aquatic Ecotoxicology" by Roger Chong of CSIRO, Australia. Dr. Chong is a veterinary specialist in Australia and the United Kingdom (UK), with expertise in fish and shellfish pathology as applied to the health and biosecurity of aquacultured species. He is officially registered as a specialist by the Queensland Board of Veterinary Surgeons for Veterinary Aquatic Animal Health (Australia) and by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for Fish Health and Production (UK). He is also a certified Fish Pathologist recognized by the Fish Health Section of the American Fisheries Society.Dr. Chong is presently a research fish pathologist with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). PDF